Articles About The Wild Earth Animal Essences
There have been numerous articles published over the years about the Wild Earth Animal Essences. Below we have a few for you to read. There are also numerous videos available for viewing of Daniel talking about the essences at his seminars.
Kindred Spirit, the largest body/mind/spirit magazine in the United Kingdom, published a gorgeous, two-page color article about the Wild Earth Animal Essences in their Summer, 2003 issue.
Let What You Love Be What You Do:
Wild Earth Animal Essences For Joyful Work
By Rachel Singleton
Published in Inessence Newsletter, UK
The Wild Earth Animal Essences are a profoundly grounding set of essences. Made by Daniel Mapel in a sacred ceremonial process that invokes the spirit of the animal, they have a vibrant energy that feels alive - scintillating with the wisdom and energy of the animal archetypes. They promote qualities of strong physical embodiment, of being present and aware, and of deeply attuning to one's intuitive self. The breadth and depth of the set means that these essences can be used to bring strength and support to a wide variety of areas: relating, self-esteem, grounding, nurturing spirituality, shamanic work, meeting the shadow side, etc. The following article explores some essences that can help with one's work in the world: creating it, furthering it, and nurturing a healthy relationship with it.
As an essence to support new beginnings and help with the manifestation of new endeavours, Beaver essence provides an energy that helps with clarity, strategy and industriousness. Beavers are the master architects and this essence supports the planning, structuring and problem solving aspects of design in one's work and in one's life. It helps to get things off the ground. Rabbit goes well with or after this, as it supports the creation of abundance in all areas of one's life. It helps with the confidence to manifest the life of your dreams, to harness one's innate creativity and bring this into being. For those times when a project seems stuck or your own energy is having difficulty engaging with what needs to be done, Cheetah is a highly effective essence for "jump-starting" a process and accomplishing more onerous tasks with speed, efficiency and confidence.
For the day-to-day business of work, Mallard is wonderful for retaining a childlike simplicity in and enjoyment of one's tasks - to continue to see the meaning in the repetitive aspects of one's work which may at times seem mundane. Ant helps in those times when a greater intensity of focus and drive is required - this is an essence for tireless industry and great productivity. It may be a little intense to take long term however! For a balanced approach to effort and flow, Seal and Squirrel are invaluable essences. Seal literally does enable a person to "go with the flow", to know when to glide with the current and when to put in extra effort. It helps in being fluid with one's work, learning to relax into it and enjoy its rhythms from a deeply settled place within. Squirrel strengthens a sense of absolute joy and playfulness with work and is useful to balance work and play, no matter how busy one is. It helps turn any task into a delightful game and supports one to gather and store their resources and plan for the future.
For connecting with the deeper meaning in one's life work there are three essences that help with focus and awareness around this. Pileated Woodpecker brings awareness of the Divine Inspiration behind one's work - it helps one stay connected with the sacred and persist in moving forward with this, honouring the source. Arctic Tern is for the great achievements, for meeting one's goals in life, effortlessly accomplishing remarkable tasks and truly "going the distance". And Bumblebee is, to me, the essence of miracles because it powerfully supports one in achieving what might otherwise seem impossible. It helps with living the dream, and helps connect you with a phenomenal sense of strength and confidence in your ability to bring this dream into being. When tasks seem impossible, this reminds you of your incredible inner potential.
For working with others, Wolf and Prairie Dog (and also Ant) are essences that have strong community energy. Wolf helps with getting the balance between an individual's own path, boundaries and needs, and loyalty to and awareness of the needs of the community or team. Prairie Dog is excellent for supporting networking and connections between people. It facilitates communication, participation, and sociability. For those working alone, Fox deeply supports one with developing independence of thought, having confidence in your own decisions, and finding clever solutions to difficult situations. Mountain Lion also assists in this. It is an essence for purposeful action and for staying connected with one's dreams and visions despite upheavals and distractions. It has an energy that is gentle and firm, and it beautifully encourages the development of a person's self-confidence and their ability to walk their talk.
Finally, a part of work that is as important as what gets done is letting go at the end of the day and relaxing. Sloth is a fantastic essence for slowing down and is wonderful for people who find it difficult to stop, who need to give 100% all the time, and who leave little time for their own self and needs, this essence makes slowing down safe and enjoyable. For relaxation, Dragonfly is a lovely and effective essence - it reconnects you with a spacious, open, light energy where rest, relaxation and sleep come more easily. It is particularly good for busy periods to help keep the mind soothed, light, and at ease.
Daniel range also includes a combination essence called "Joyful Work" that includes Beaver for productivity and creativity, Squirrel for integrating work and play, and Otter for nurturing playfulness and delight.
These are wonderful essences to work with - deeply supportive and embodying. Each individual essence comes in stock or dosage strength and has the photo of the animal on the label, which acts like an affirmation of their presence as you work with them. I find clients love receiving these, not least because the power of the animals seems to touch something deep within us all.