A Message from Daniel Mapel
Founder of Wild Earth
Founder of Wild Earth
I want to welcome you to the growing family of Wild Earth! I started this company in 1995 after years as a counselor in private practice working with survivors of abuse and then founding and publishing "The Joy Gazette," -- a nationally distributed newspaper featuring just good news.
As our business continues to grow, I am touched by all of you who have shared your stories and experiences with the essences. It is your encouragement and support which has allowed us to continue to develop our business and expand our offerings.
A bit about what led me to this work: I have always felt a very strong connection to the wilderness and the wild animals for as long as I can remember. For a number of years I worked as a wilderness guide in the high Rockies and during those and subsequent years I have been blessed to experience powerful interactions with the creatures of the wild. Each interaction has brought with it powerful gifts and teachings. In addition, flower essences became an important part of my transformative process as I traveled on my personal path of healing and spiritual growth, and during the early 90's I began using them in conjunction with my professional counseling practice working with adult survivors of childhood abuse. As my knowledge of both the use and making of essences expanded, I continued to have powerful interactions with wild animals and was then guided to begin
creating essences of the animals who were teaching me so much.
I first began developing animal essences for my personal use and was amazed by their effectiveness in my life. Buffalo was one of the first essences I developed, and I was amazed by the grounding and feelings of connection with the sacred Earth that I felt as I worked with this essence over time. I was slowly guided to develop other animal essences and was humbled by the tremendous gifts of energy and healing that they shared in this way. Each animal brought its unique and special gifts of support and healing to me. Friends and family members began reporting similar experiences with these vibrational remedies, and in 1995 I was guided to create a business that would develop a line of essences and distribute them around the world. As I tuned into the animals and further developed my relationship with them there was a strong sense that I was to serve as
a bridge between the animal kingdom and humankind.
The whole thing has been an awesome journey of healing and transformation. To read more about the personal healing journey that brought me to this work, I invite you to read an excerpt from my book about the animal essences by clicking here.
Feel free to contact me anytime by email at: [email protected].
I wish you a life filled with growing joy, abundance, and love.